Temporary Access Road Design in New York

The Monroe County Department of Transportation Highway Access Guidelines have been prepared to assist and guide our customers through the permit review, issuance and inspection phases of the highway permit process. It is our intent to have a process that is efficient, user friendly and responsive to the needs of our customers.

All requirements and policies outlined herein update the Highway Access Guidelines, dated September 1999. These requirements and policies must be complied with at all times in connection with residential and commercial development within Monroe County. They are established to assist developers, engineers and utility companies in the preparation of plans and specifications for work proposed on the County highway system.

All materials used within the right-of-way shall comply with the latest Monroe County Department of Transportation Standard Specifications and Details or, if appropriate, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Standard Specifications including any amendments. Specific requirements for individual jobs, not covered herein, will be dealt with on a case by case basis as stated in the permit issued by the Monroe County Department of Transportation.

Interpretation of these requirements and guidelines shall be the responsibility of the County Superintendent of Highways or his/her designee. These requirements may be changed from time to time to reflect updates in County policies. Adherence to these requirements will expedite the review time for plans and permits.

Below is the Department of Transportation Mission Statement. Customer service is our priority. To improve our responsiveness, we welcome and encourage your comments. Thank you.

Mission Statement

We construct, operate, and maintain a safe and efficient highway, bridge, and traffic network to move people and goods throughout the County to enhance community growth, economic well-being, and the quality of life.

Section I: 136 Highway Permits and 239-F Permits

Section 136 of the State Highway Law empowers the County Superintendent of Highways with the authority to issue permits for access to or work within a county highway right-of-way.

136 Permits will only be issued to the owner (utility company, town, village, sewer district, water district, developer, home owner, etc.) of the facility to be installed within the County highway right-of-way. The owner must sign the 136 highway permit as the applicant. Except as permitted by the County Superintendent of Highways, or his/her designee, contractors will not be allowed to sign the permit as applicant.

Section 239-F of the General Municipal Law encourages cooperation between the county, towns and villages. Specifically, the law provides that municipalities shall not issue or approve building permits when proposed buildings have frontage on, access to or be otherwise directly related to any existing or proposed right-of-way or site shown on the county official map, unless an approval is given by the County Superintendent of Highways. The County Superintendent of Highways has 10 working days to respond with approval or disapproval.

Before a municipality approves a subdivision, they must notify the County Planning Board and the County Superintendent of Highways. In this case the County Superintendent of Highways has 30 working days to respond with approval or disapproval.

A 239-F permit must be submitted by the owner when a building permit will be issued by a town or village for a project that has frontage on a county highway. A town or village official must fill out and sign this permit. If the town or village does not sign off on the 239-F permit, no 136 highway permit will be issued for the project. Therefore, the 239-F must accompany all 136 highway permits involving new buildings. No fees are charged for a 239-F permit.

Section II: Project Review and Approval Process

The Permit Office's primary function is to serve the needs of our customers. Customers are any individual, agency or developer who need to obtain highway permits to perform work within the County highway right-of-way. We recommend that any potential permittee contact the Permit Office to review the scope of the project before design has begun. Doing so will insure the permittee is aware of all the steps that need to be followed to facilitate project approval.


  1. The developer and/or the project engineer submits the project reports, plans, specifications, etc., to the town or village planning board.
  2. The town or village planning board submits copies of the project reports, plans, specifications, etc., to the Monroe County Department of Planning and Development. (MCDOPD) MCDOPD, through its Development Review Committee (DRC), submits the above to all its member agencies for a coordinated review.
  3. Plans are received from the DRC every Tuesday. MCDOT has one week to review the submittals and respond back to DRC. The Permit Office has developed a DRC report check list that contains general comments and room to write-in additional comments. (See Related Documents—Permit Office Forms). Monroe County Department of Transportation submits a DRC report form for each project.
  4. A copy of the Monroe County Department of Transportation DRC comments are also submitted to the engineer by fax or mail.
  5. MCDOPD collects the comments from all member agencies and prepares a DRC response form summarizing all of the comments for each project. These are submitted to the appropriate town or village planning board the following Tuesday.
  6. At the next scheduled town or village planning board meeting, the DRC comments and recommendations are reviewed with the developer and/or project engineer.
  7. From this point on, the Permit Office works directly with the developer or project engineer. (Skip to Step 9).
  8. For projects that are proposed by towns, villages, or utility companies, the approval process starts here. One set of plans is required to be submitted for our review. Our review period is approximately two weeks. Comments are forwarded to the applicant by fax or mail using our DRC report form.
  9. Revised plans are submitted for projects from Steps G and H. If there are any additional comments, the project engineer will be notified of them. This step is repeated until the plans are acceptable and project approval can be granted.
  10. The consultant should submit a set of reproducible plans and a set of prints for approval. Project approval is granted by the Permit Office by placing an approval stamp and signature on the appropriate reproducible original plan sheets for the project.
  11. The type of permits, special conditions of the permit, fees and security deposits (if applicable) that are required are determined. Monroe County Department of Transportation provides a listing of the permit fees and security deposits (if applicable) to the engineer. Any unusual special conditions will be identified that the permittee may be required to adhere to.
  12. The 136 Highway Work Permit applications will be accepted any time after project approval.

Section III: Permit Issuance Process

Provided the project review and approval process has been followed and project approval is granted, permit issuance time will be greatly reduced. Refer to the Flow Chart of the process. The following items must be submitted for permit issuance:

  • Four copies of the 136 Highway Permit for each type of operation to be performed in the County highway right-of-way.
  • Five copies are required for traffic signal permits.
  • Six copies are required for permits for capital improvement projects. The permits must be filled out completely and signed by the property owner or the owner of the utility for work within the right-of-way. Please include the telephone number of the owner and the emergency phone number of the resident engineer and contractor. See Related Documents: Permit Office Forms.
    Depending on the project type, permit applications are distributed to the following individuals after approval:
    • Permittee
    • Town Highway Superintendent
    • County Permit Inspector
    • County Permit Office Main File
    • Signal Section
    • Project Manager
    • Resident Engineer
  • A 239-F permit signed by a town official, (usually the building inspector), if a building permit is also to be issued. See Related Documents, Permit Office Forms.
  • A Completed Permit Fee Work Sheet with the type of operation(s) to be performed checked off. The fees are recorded in the boxes on the right and totaled at the bottom. See Related Documents, Permit Office Forms. Checks should be made payable to the Director of Finance, County of Monroe. Mastercard and VISA are also acceptable forms of payment. Cash will not be accepted.
  • Four copies of approved plans. Five copies for traffic signal projects. Six copies for capital improvement projects.
  • If security deposits are required, they must accompany the 136 Highway Work Permit. Security deposits will be accepted in the form of a cashier's check, bank check, certified check, Mastercard or VISA. (See Appendix A for the appropriate security deposit according to the Security Deposit Policy.)
  • Issue permit and attach special conditions and details.

Section IV: Permit Inspection

The County reserves the right to perform inspection of all work performed in the County right-of-way as a condition of all permits issued. A representative of the Monroe County Department of Transportation Permit Office will visit the site and inspect the work on a regular basis. This representative's responsibilities include the following:

  • Provide interpretation and make decisions based on design and construction aspects of the approved plans.
  • Ensure that the work is being performed in accordance with Monroe County Department of Transportation standards and details.
  • Ensure that the conditions of the permit(s) are adhered to.

It is strongly recommended that the permittee read the conditions and restrictions on the back of the 136 Highway Work Permit and any special conditions and details that are attached to the permit. Highlights of the standard special conditions include:

  • The permittee is required to give the Permit Office forty-eight (48) hours or two (2) working days, (whichever is greater), advance notice before work within the County right-of-way is to begin.
  • If a reconstruction meeting for the project is to be held, we request one week advance notification so that a representative from the Permit Office can be present.
  • For construction operations where traffic on a County highway will be affected, we require that a site meeting be held prior to performing this operation with the permittee, the Contractor, the Permit Office Senior Engineering Aide, and any additional Monroe County Department of Transportation personnel required, to determine the appropriate maintenance and protection of traffic measures required to perform the work safely.


Section V: General Requirements

  1. All private and public utility agencies will be required to obtain a permit for utility work in the County right-of-way. They will be responsible for maintaining the pavement in the cut area until such roadway is reconstructed or resurfaced. Open pavement cuts will only be allowed where specified in the Open Cut Policy. (See Appendix A-1,Policy–Open Pavement Cuts). The County requires all utility crossings at highways be performed by boring method unless the conditions of the Policy–Open Pavement Cuts are met.
  2. To guarantee performance for construction within the County right-of-way a security deposit may be required. (See Appendix A-3, Security Deposit Policy, for the amount to be charged). The security deposit will not be released until all County, town and village requirements are met. When storing materials and/or equipment within the right-of-way and using the right-of-way for any purpose to install utilities outside the right-of-way, a right-of-way access permit shall be required.
  3. If sidewalks are constructed, it is our desire that they be constructed outside the reservation area. However, if this is not practical or feasible, sidewalks may be constructed outside the right-of-way within the reservation area or if special circumstances exist, in the right-of-way. Sidewalks should be built in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
  4. If the subdivision plat map is to be filed at the Monroe County Clerk's Office, it must conform to the Monroe County Monumentation Law. The Monroe County Department of Transportation Survey Office and Permit Section are responsible for subdivision plat map review. If the subdivision has frontage on a County highway, signatures on the plat map are required from the County Survey Office, then from the County Superintendent of Highways before the map can be filed at the County Clerk's Office. All official signatures verifying approval must be recorded on the plat map before the County Superintendent of Highways signs off.
  5. It is recommended that the building setback distance be measured from the right-of-way line or 40' off the centerline of the right-of-way, whichever is greater, to allow for future highway widening and improvements. For single lot subdivisions being built adjacent to existing homes,the setback may be the same as the adjacent homes, to allow for a consistent lot line setback based on town approval.
  6. A standard County highway permit note is required on the plans as follows: "After M.C.D.O.T. approves this project, a 136 Highway Permit and 239-F Permit will be required. Inspection of all construction in the right-of-way will be a condition of these permits."
  7. A standard County highway drainage note is required on the plans as follows: "Highway drainage along the County highway must be maintained. The applicant will be responsible for all required grading in the County right-of-way. The applicant will place a culvert and/or storm sewer of a type and size determined by the Monroe County Department of Transportation."
  8. A standard County materials note is required on the plans as follows: "All materials installed in the County right-of-way shall be in accordance with the Monroe County Department of Transportation Standard Specifications and Details in effect when installed." In instances where a Monroe County Department of Transportation Standard Specification or Detail does not exist, the applicable New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specification or Detail will be adhered to.
  9. It is desirable that all driveways fronting on County roads be paved to the right-of-way line. The driveway grade shall slope away from the outside edge of the pavement at a minimum rate of 1/2 inch per foot to the centerline of drainage. Driveways shall be constructed in accordance with Monroe County Department of Transportation Standard Specifications and Details.
  10. When enclosed drainage systems are being constructed for roadway drainage, existing storm drainage systems from private residences will be connected to the County system provided the runoff is storm drainage only and does not contain household or sanitary runoff.
  11. Monroe County and Federal Law requires that all construction of curbs, sidewalks and other applicable features conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Accessibility Guidelines (Sections 4.5, 4.6,4.7, 4.8).
  12. Proposed accesses should be located so that they meet intersection sight distance requirements. Where there is no available location with adequate intersection sight distance along the frontage, the access shall be located such that sight distance is optimized in each direction and the location should be checked to see if stopping sight distance requirements can be met.
  13. Intersection sight distances for all accesses and/or proposed accesses shall be computed in accordance with the latest revision of AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets." In general, the 2004 book states that it should be assumed that the driver's eye is 3.5' above the roadway surface and that the object to be seen is 3.5' above the surface of the intersecting road. Also, offset distance from the edge of the major road should be 14.5' for intersections with stop control on the minor road. See the latest revision of AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" for more information.
  14. If necessary, stopping sight distance should be checked to determine if it is adequate as required by AASHTO (latest revision). Both the intersection sight distance and stopping sight distance are based on the 85th percentile speed (the speed at which 85% of the motorists surveyed travel at or below) of the particular roadway. It should be noted that the posted speed limit may be different from the 85th percentile speed.
  15. If the stopping sight distance is adequate, but intersection sight distance is less than the AASHTO minimum, we would approve the access, and if needed, install driveway warning signs with advisory speed panels. If both intersection and stopping sight distance are less than required, we will recommend to the town that the access be denied due to inadequate sight distance.

Section VI: Plan Requirements For Single Lot Residential Development

The customer shall submit a scaled drawing (1" = 50' minimum) for the proposed development. The maximum allowable plan sheet size is 22" x 34". The drawing shall include the following:

  1. Development frontage, plus 200' in each direction, on both sides of highway, showing driveways and intersecting roads and adjacent property addresses.
  2. Proposed development on the lot showing driveway width, culvert and location.
  3. Property lines and easements.
  4. Right-of-way lines and width.
  5. Highway reservation where applicable.
  6. Curb lines.
  7. Sidewalk.
  8. Existing trees.
  9. Utilities (Overhead and Underground) showing proposed service connections.
  10. Drainage.
  11. Location map, showing at least two major intersections.
  12. Intersection sight distances for proposed driveway.
  13. Only one access is desired for each residential lot on a County highway. However, additional accesses may be considered based on a review of each site and factors including but not limited to sight distance, speeds, type of highway, number of lanes of the highway, traffic volumes, and the characteristics of the development. If the lot is a corner parcel, it is the County's recommendation to locate the driveway on the lower volume road. Driveways shall be located as far as possible from the intersection.

See the general requirement section for additional requirements that may apply.

Section VII: Requirements for Residential and Commercial Development


A traffic impact report may be required by the County in order to adequately assess the impact of a proposed development on the existing or planned highway network. The primary responsibility for assessing the traffic impacts associated with a proposed development rests with the developer, with the County serving in a review capacity.

The report should describe in quantitative terms how the traffic generated by the proposed development will effect the surrounding transportation system. Furthermore, the report should discuss what, if any, transportation improvements are needed and who's responsible for the cost of these improvements. A traffic impact report may be required for development equal to or exceeding the traffic generated as shown below or as requested by the County Superintendent of Highways, his/her designee, the town or village.

Traffic Impact Report

Type Size
Single Family Houses and Condominiums or Townhouses 100 dwelling units (or more)
Apartments 150 dwelling units (or more)
Restaurants All
Shopping Centers All
Theaters All
Banks 3,000 square feet (or more)
Car Wash (Automatic) All
Convenience Store Gas Station All
General Over 50,000 square feet
Medical Over 30,000 square feet
Industrial Over 100,000 square feet
Hospital All
School All
Church with Day Care Facility All
Parks All

The developer shall obtain the services of a qualified transportation engineer familiar with preparing traffic impact reports. The transportation engineer should discuss the scope of the study with the County Superintendent of Highways or his/her designee prior to starting the report.

An acceptable traffic impact report normally includes:

  1. Develop Scope and Identify Study Area

    A phone conversation or meeting should occur with the developer/traffic consultant and the affected agencies (Town, County, State) to determine the scope and study area that needs to be reviewed. At that meeting the agencies and consultant should agree upon the trip distribution patterns and trip generation land use code to utilize.

    The size of the area to be studied should be based on sound engineering judgment and shall be mutually agreed upon by all involved. A verbal and pictorial description of the area should be included in the report.

  2. Existing Transportation System

    Briefly describe the highway network in the study area including traffic volumes (ADT and Peak Hour, turning movement count diagrams), number of lanes, shoulders, speed limit, level of service, (using the Highway Capacity Manual, etc.). Describe the existing land use and identify any existing traffic problems. A review of the accident history may be appropriate.

  3. Previously Approved Development

    Discuss any planned improvements by others. Note the type, size, location and year of previously approved developments and any planned improvements to the transportation system by these developers or by others. Describe any future traffic problems that these developments may produce.

  4. Proposed Development

    Describe the proposed development, size, location, etc. Utilizing the ITE Trip Generation Manual, latest edition as a resource guide, estimate the number of additional trips generated by the proposed development during the peak travel periods. The times analyzed are usually the a.m./p.m. weekday peak hour. For restaurant and retail development, the weekday Noon, Friday p.m. and Saturday midday should be analyzed.

  5. Proposed Conditions

    Describe how trips were assigned/distributed to the highway network and prepare a diagram showing the routes utilized by the traffic destined to/from this development. Analyze the effects the additional traffic has on the study area–identify the level of service and any problems. Conduct any other traffic analyses needed based on the findings, (i.e.: signal warrants, auxiliary lane warrants, etc.).

  6. Recommendations

    Discuss the findings of the study including what improvements, if any, are necessary to maintain a reasonable level of service. Explore the feasibility of encouraging development to utilize alternative modes of transportation, (i.e., buses, walking, bicycling, ridesharing, etc.) and stagger work hours to minimize the impact on adjacent highways.


Accesses–driveways, dedicated roadways

It is the County's goal to minimize the number of driveways and possible conflict points onto County highways. The following are some general guidelines as to number, location, width, etc. of the accesses. However, each location may have specific circumstances and problems, therefore, we reserve the right to modify our guidelines.

  1. Number of:
    • For existing developments that are being expanded/modified, we recommend a thorough analysis be conducted of the existing accesses. Our intent is to minimize the number of accesses by consolidating them with ones under the developer's control, or combining them with accesses of adjacent properties.
    • For multiple lot developments on high traffic volume highways or where the sight distance is limited, we encourage the use of frontage roads in lieu of individual or common driveways.
    • When the average daily traffic volume of the development exceeds 5,000 vehicles entering and exiting, two entrance road driveways shall be provided. However, since we do encourage connections between adjacent properties and subdivisions, an existing access from an adjacent development may serve the function of the second access. The location of the driveways will be a function of sight distance and traffic volumes at the intersection.
    • For developments located on corner parcels, one access per road may be allowed, depending on the type of use. Accesses shall be located as far from the cross street as feasible.
  2. Location:
    • When streets or commercial driveways result in offset intersections, a minimum of 200' shall be provided between offset centerlines. A minimum of 15' shall be provided between driveways adjacent to each other, from outside edge to outside edge.
  3. Width:
    • When the two way average daily entrance road/driveway traffic volume exceeds 1,000 vehicles, then two outbound lanes shall be provided. When delays to left turning exiting vehicles are excessive and/or right turn exiting traffic volumes are significant, then two outbound lanes shall be provided.
    • Residential streets shall conform to town standards or be a minimum of 20' in width uncurbed or 24' curbed at the approach, where they intersect the County highway. (Minimum l00' from the edge of County highway pavement).
    • Driveways
      • Residential–The minimum width is 10', maximum width is 20'.
      • Commercial–For a two way two lane driveway, the standard width shall be 24'. Driveways in excess of 30' in width will be considered on an individual basis.
  4. Accesses on curbed County highways:
  • Radius curb will be considered for subdivision streets and commercial accesses


Residential Street*

20' – 35'

Commercial Street**

10' – 50'

*30' is the preferred radius, although this may be adjusted based on existing or proposed conditions.
**Radii should be determined by the largest type of vehicle frequently using the proposed access.

If the proposed roadways will be a dedicated Town road, and may become an RTS bus route, then the radius should be a minimum of 30' and may be adjusted to 35' based on the surrounding conditions. Similarly, for all cases, each intersection must be reviewed to determine the existing conditions with respect to vehicle turning movement types and frequency, turning lane and shoulder widths, approach angles, traffic movements.

The point of tangency or curvature of the radii shall meet the line of the existing curb on the County highway. Where radius curbing is used at driveways, drop curbing is not needed unless the driveway slopes away from the roadway. However, when accesses will have curbed radii on County highways without curbs, the point of tangency or curvature must be located at least 17 feet offset of the centerline to the front face of the curb.

  • Drop curb will be approved for residential driveways and commercial accesses as follows:
Driveway Width Apron Total Width at Curb Line
Residential 10' (min.)–20' (max.) 5' each side of driveway 20'–30' (max.)
Minor Commercial 10' (min.)–30' (max.) 5'–10' each side of driveway 20'–50' (max.)

If it is determined that the width of the access must be wider than the maximum allowed, we will consider them on an individual basis.

Auxiliary Lanes

Left turn lanes on the County highway shall be installed when traffic volumes exceed those in Table I, see page number 17. Left turn lane warrants for four-lane, at-grade intersections shall be determined from the monograph on page 19. However, for 2 lane roads, if a traffic study, gap study, etc., determines that a left turn lane is not justified, the County Superintendent of Highways or designee will consider alternatives, such as:

  1. A bypass lane, constructed a minimum of 10' wide and 100' long (50' each side of the centerline of the access). The taper lengths shall be in accordance with the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Device, latest edition.
  2. A full depth asphalt shoulder, 8' wide, 200' long, 100' each side of the centerline of access with 25' tapers.

If a left turn lane or a right turn lane is justified and recommended, then the consultant must determine the proposed transitions and storage lengths. For left turn lanes, the taper lengths shall be in conformance with the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Device, latest edition. The storage length of a left turn pocket should be calculated by considering both the volume of left turn traffic, gaps in traffic, and the queue of the through traffic.

For right turn only lanes, the transition may be 50'–75' in length. Similar to left turn lanes, the length of the right turn lane shall consider the right turn volume and the queue of the through vehicles.

Geometric Modifications

If the County Superintendent of Highways determines that the proposed development requires geometric modifications to the County highway network, a 1"=20' plan and specifications shall be prepared by the developer in accordance with County standards showing the modifications. The highway modifications will be completed by the developer at their cost, with all work subject to the review and approval of the County Superintendent of Highways.

If the modifications include traffic signalization, the traffic signal plans and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with County of Monroe standards. Also, a record drawing will need to be prepared and submitted to the Monroe County Department of Transportation upon completion.

Table 1

Warrants for Left Turn Lanes On Two Lane Roads

Advancing Volume (V.P.H.) per lane.

V.P.H. Per Lane
Opposing Volume
5% Left
10% Left
20% Left
30% Left
800 330 240 180 160
600 410 305 225 200
400 510 380 275 245
200 640 470 350 305
100 720 575 390 340
800 280 210 165 135
600 350 260 195 170
400 430 320 240 210
200 550 400 300 270
100 615 445 335 295
800 230 170 125 115
600 290 210 160 140
400 365 270 200 175
200 450 330 250 215
100 505 370 275 240

Example: 85th percentile speed is 50 mph, with the following volumes:

Illustration of highway guidelines.

  1. Use the table #I for the corresponding speed, therefore, since the speed was 50 mph, use the middle table.
  2. Find the volume opposing the left turns into the proposed subdivision in Column 1 opposing volume=400–Column 1, Row 3.
  3. Find the advancing volume (thrush and lefts) on Row 3 of either Column 2, 3, 4 or 5. Advancing volume=320–Column 3, Row 3.
  4. The heading for Column 3 is 10% left turns, therefore in order for a left turn lane to be warranted, at least 10% of the advancing volume must be turning left. 10% of 320=32, however our generated left turning volume is 15, therefore, a left turn lane is not warranted.

Table 2

Warrants for Left Turn Lanes On Four Lane Roads

Illustration of highway guidelines.

Illustration of highway guidelines.

Nomograph for left-turn storage at nonsignalized intersections. The nomograph is used by reading horizontally from the opposing traffic volume, VO, on the vertical axis and reading from the left turn volume, VL, on the horizontal axis and locating the point where the horizontal and vertical lines cross. For example, 100 left turning vehicles per hour, VL, with an opposing volume, VO, of 950 vph, will require a minimum storage length of about 150 feet.


Drafting Guidelines

The developer/engineer shall submit, as a minimum, a 17" x 22" with a maximum of 22" x 34" drawing, using a minimum scale of 1" = 50', for the proposed development. At a minimum the following should be shown:

  1. Development frontage, plus 500' for major development or 200' for minor development, in each direction, on both sides of the County highway showing driveways and intersecting roads.
  2. All roadways where improvements are proposed by the applicant.
  3. Property lines, tax account numbers, owners name and addresses of adjacent properties.
  4. Names of roadways with right-of-way lines and widths including reservations for highway purposes.
  5. Curb lines - existing and proposed.
  6. Drainage structures, headwalls, etc., existing and proposed.
  7. Sidewalks, existing and proposed (where applicable).
  8. Intersection sight distances for proposed accesses. Trees, bushes and other obstructions that may affect sight distance.
  9. Utilities - overhead (pole #'s) and underground, existing and proposed (type, dimension and location).
  10. Storm and sanitary sewers - rim and invert elevations and dimensions of all cross culverts, existing and proposed. Show directional flow arrows.
  11. Permanent easement descriptions to Monroe County (if required).
  12. A 3 inch by 2 inch space shall be reserved near the title block on each sheet of the plans for the M.C.D.O.T. project approval stamp.

Design and Construction Guidelines

  1. Storm sewer connections may be allowed to County storm sewers, however, it is the developers responsibility to determine if the post development runoff rate is less than or equal to or greater than the pre development rate. If the post development rate is greater than the pre development rate, it is the developer's responsibility to perform a drainage study to determine if the downstream County storm sewer system has the capacity to accept additional (greater than pre development rate) flows from any proposed storm sewer connection.

    In the event the sum of the pre-existing drainage run off and the additional run off as a result of the development requires and increase in pipe size up to 36", it will be the developers responsibility to pay for all costs. If the increase in pipe size exceeds 36" in diameter, the County will pay for a percentage of the installation cost based on the amount of the pre-existing run off. A cost estimate shall be prepared by the developer showing both the developer's and the County's share breakdown.

  2. It is desirable that linear storm sewer systems be installed along the frontage of County roads for all residential developments larger than one lot and all commercial developments bordering a County highway. The size and type of the storm sewer will be determined by the County Superintendent of Highways, or his/her designee, upon review of drainage calculations submitted by the developer. Specific requirements are noted below in Item C. Field inlets (MCDOT type "A", or NYSDOT type "S") shall be required at the upstream side of all access points and at 200' intervals, or as directed by MCDOT. All storm sewer systems and driveway culverts must be installed on a line and grade with existing upstream and downstream systems to adequately maintain existing roadside drainage.

    The storm sewer system shall be installed a minimum of 19' from centerline, and preferably 21' from centerline of a 2 lane roadway.

    If a storm sewer system is not deemed feasible, based on a review by MCDOT, regrading of the existing drainage ditches/swales, and use of practices to enhance stormwater quality shall be considered. If regrading is allowed, the swale/ditch should conform to the following parameters:

    • 3 rod (49.5') ROW - maximum depth = 3'
    • 4 rod (66') ROW - maximum depth = 4'
    • all ditch front slopes should be a maximum of 1 on 3
    • the cross sectional capacity of the ditch shall be maintained to be equal to or greater than the capacity of all downstream systems
    • Considerations for stormwater quality enhancement shall be shown on plans for all development.
  3. Drainage along undeveloped frontage on County highways must be maintained. The owner will furnish and place a culvert or storm sewer system, if required, of a size and type as determined by the County Superintendent of Highways or his/her designee. The minimum culvert size is 12" in diameter.

    Projects which require a driveway culvert, and/or piping in the right-of-way will need the following:

    • A simple calculation of how the proposed pipe grade, proposed inverts and size were obtained.
    • Upon submitting a site plan for review with a proposed culvert pipe, the plan must also show the invert elevations of the culverts upstream and downstream, or other logical point, i.e. the crest of a vertical curve.

    Before the permit for the project can be closed out, a culvert certification will need to be done certifying that the culvert was constructed to the designed culvert elevations. This certification can be as simple as a letter from the Engineer/Surveyor or Contractor saying that they have measured the inverts of the installed culvert pipe(s) and that they are within +/- 0.1 feet of the designed inverts as shown on the approved plan.

    A Type A field inlet shall be placed upstream of each driveway or access where a roadside ditch is enclosed with storm pipe. When pipe for roadside ditch enclosures are 24" diameter or greater, a Type "S" drop inlet must be installed instead of the smaller field inlet.

    All drop inlets in paved areas of County highways must be Type "S" for pipe sizes up to 24" in diameter. Manholes must be used for pipe sizes larger than 24" in diameter.

    On County highways with curbs where the curb lane width is 13' or less, recessed Type "S" drop inlets must be used.

    Maximum spacing of drop inlets shall be no more than 200 feet without curbs or gutters and 300 feet with curbs and gutters. All drop inlets or field inlets must be precast or cast in place concrete. Manhole spacing shall be a maximum of 300 feet.

  4. Detention and retention pond outlets shall discharge into an existing drainage channel, not the County roadside drainage ditch, unless the runoff rate can be maintained at the undeveloped rate.
  5. All subdivision streets that do not slope away from a County road shall have a sag vertical curve acceptable to the County Superintendent of Highways.
  6. All subdivision street curbs and gutters shall end a minimum of 20 feet from the centerline of pavement or as directed by the County Superintendent of Highways.
  7. All utilities are preferred to be located in easement, out of the County right-of-way. If easements cannot be obtained, the utilities should be located within 5' of the right-of-way line, depending upon a review of the existing conditions (i.e., conflicts with other utilities, impacts to trees, etc.). Any conflicts will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  8. All construction of underground utilities shall be completed in accordance with the New York State Requirements for the Design and Construction of Underground Utility Installations Within the State Highway Right of Way dated January, 1988 or latest revision. All reference to the New York State Department of Transportation or State shall be the Monroe County Department of Transportation.
  9. If modifications to the approved plans are necessary, then revised plans shall be submitted for our approval before work commences.
  10. On projects requiring extensive and complex construction procedures, the County may require full time inspection and documentation. These expenses will be the responsibility of the applicant.
  11. "As-Built" record drawings shall be submitted by the engineer to Monroe County for all major utility projects (i.e., sanitary sewer mains, watermain, storm sewer mains, gas mains) and/or projects that improve the County highway (both residential subdivisions and commercial/industrial developments).



Section VIII: Highway Access Permits for Special Hauling Permits

A Special Hauling Permit allows a vehicle to carry a non-divisible load (house, large vessels, construction vehicles, etc.) that exceeds the weight and dimensional limits specified in Section 385 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. The permit shall be subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, County of Monroe or his/her designee.

In general, a permit shall be required for any vehicles exceeding 80,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, 8'-6" in width, 13'-6" in overall vertical height or 40' in overall single vehicle length.

The applicant shall submit as a minimum, the following information:

  1. Written comments from the effected towns along the hauling route. Plus a copy of the building permit if the Special Hauling Permit is for a house move.
  2. Three completed Monroe County Department of Transportation Special Hauling Permit applications.
  3. The proposed route from point of origin to final destination, indicating all roads which are to be used along the route.
  4. All bridges, culverts and overhead utilities, such as traffic signals, electric and telephone cables located within the right-of-way of the proposed route.
  5. Pavement width, number of travel lanes and widths, and right-of-way lines and widths for all roads to be used along the route. Also, indicate if the pavement has curb, gutters or shoulders.
  6. All existing trees and mailboxes which may be in conflict along the hauling route within the right-of-way.
  7. Any potential conflicts relevant to vertical and horizontal clearance along the hauling route.
  8. The overall vertical loaded height, width and length of the hauling equipment, including the object to be moved as well as the axle loading on the pavement.
  9. All axle weights and spacing between them.
  10. License plate numbers, year, make and type of truck or tractor that will be used.
  11. A certificate of insurance as outlined in Appendix A (Related Links) which shall be subject to approval by the County of Monroe for adequacy of protection. The applicant shall also be bonded to perform house moving operations against property damage.
  12. A fee of $200.00 for each Special Hauling Permit, payable to the Director of Finance, County of Monroe.
  13. A $5,000.00 security deposit shall be required for all moves. However, if signals are impacted an additional $5,000.00 security deposit may be assessed. $5,000.00 will also be assessed if major bridges/culverts are impacted.
  14. A copy of the New York State Department of Transportation Special Hauling Permit.

The load shall be inspected by this office before it is moved on to a County highway. Any and all anticipated site disturbances shall require prior notification of residents along the hauling route, as well as the County of Monroe and affected towns and or villages. The applicant shall not remove any existing feature(s) within the County of Monroe right-of-way without obtaining prior written authorization from the County of Monroe. Any existing features damaged or removed as a result of the hauling operation shall be repaired or replaced at the applicants expense.

Once the permit has been approved, the applicant shall notify the Monroe County Department of Transportation (585 753-7710) at least 48 hours prior to the move to indicate actual time and duration of the move. The applicant must also notify in writing the town(s) and or villages(s) officials and all emergency agencies, (police, fire, TrafNet, etc.) of the proposed hauling route.

The applicant shall not perform the hauling operation during the AM/PM peak hours (normally 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.) so as to minimize the disruption of traffic unless given prior approval by the County Superintendent of Highways or his/her designee.

The County of Monroe reserves the right to restrict overweight hauling on County highways due to seasonal limitations such as spring thaws, high ground water or other possible seasonal limitations that preclude use of the County highways by overweight vehicles.


Section IX: Highway Access Requirements for Divisible Load Permits

A Divisible Load Permit allows a vehicle to carry a divisible load (i.e., logs, gravel, concrete, etc.) that exceeds the weight limits specified in Section 385 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.

An approved New York State Divisible Load Permit is required by the Monroe County Department of Transportation in order to permit vehicles to haul on Monroe County highways. The Monroe County Department of Transportation issues our own Divisible Load Permit, subject to approval by the County Superintendent of Highways, County of Monroe or his/her designee, but is issued in the form of a letter to the permittee. Copies of the Monroe County Department of Transportation permit letter shall be kept in each permitted vehicle and attached to the applicable New York State Divisible Load Permit.

The applicant shall submit, as a minimum, the following information to Monroe County Department of Transportation:

  1. A list of Monroe County highway(s) to be used as hauling routes by the permittee.
  2. Copies of valid New York State Vehicle Registrations for all affected vehicles.
  3. Copies of valid New York State Divisible Load Permits for all affected vehicles.
  4. A Certificate of Insurance meeting Monroe County's insurance requirements as outlined on the attached sheet. Note: Monroe County Department of Transportation does not honor form Perm 17q or any other insurance form from the New York State Department of Transportation.
  5. A table outlining:
    • Make of Vehicle
    • License Plate Number
    • Vehicle Identification Number
    • New York State Divisible Load Permitted Weight
  6. A check for $10 per truck, per year, made payable to the Monroe County Director of Finance.

The County of Monroe reserves the right to restrict overweight hauling on County highways due to seasonal limitations such as spring thaws, high ground water or other possible seasonal limitations that preclude use of the County highways by overweight vehicles. A copy of Monroe County's restricted roads will be attached to the approved Monroe County Department of Transportation permit. Note: The hauling operation may be observed from time to time.

Any violation of the permit requirements could result in a fine between $100.00 and $1,000.00 per vehicle, per day and revocation of the permit.

Please return the above items to:
Monroe County Department of Transportation
City Place, Suite 6100
50 West Main Street
Rochester, New York 14614-1231

Phone: 585 753-7710

Section X: Legal Dimension, Weights and Gross Weights for New York State

The maximum legal dimensions (overall, inclusive of load, bumpers, etc.)

State Highway Qualifying or Access Highway
A Width of vehicle, inclusive of load 8' 6" [1] 8' 6"
B Height of vehicle from underside of tire to top of vehicle, inclusive of load 13' 6" 13' 6"
C Length of single vehicle inclusive of load and bumpers 40' 40'
D Length of a combination of vehicles inclusive of load and bumpers 65' [2] Unlimited [2]
E Length of a single trailer 48' 53' [3]
F Length of a single twin trailer 28' 6" 28' 6"


[1] Except in New York City, Limited to Qualifying or Access Highways and highways with minimum pavement width of 10 feet. Commissioner of Transportation may restrict certain highways.

[2] Automotive Carriers - Overhang limited to 3' FRONT and 4' REAR. Stinger Steered Car Carriers - Length cannot exceed 75'. Overhang limited to 3' FRONT and 4' REAR. Limited to qualifying and access highways.

[3] Except in New York City. Limited to Qualifying and Access Highways. Distance from Kingpin to center of rear axle group limited to 41 feet.

  1. Special Hauling Permits are not required for a combination of vehicles hauling poles, girders, columns, or similar objects of great length if only the legal length is exceeded. The width, height and weight of the combination by be legal.
  2. Vehicles over 10 feet in width shall display 18 inch by 18 inch red flags front and rear on the left side unless other warning devices or escort vehicles are required or prescribed.
  3. Escort vehicles may be required for oversize movements of extreme width or length or if highway conditions warrant them.

Maximum legal weight for State Highways and Designated Highways

  1. Maximum load per inch width of tire 800 pounds
  2. Maximum wheel loading 11,200 pounds
  3. Maximum weight, one axle 22,400 pounds
  4. Maximum weight, any two consecutive axles, less than eight (8) feet apart 36,000 pounds.
    • Axles less than 46 inches apart, measured from axles' centers, are considered one axle.
  5. Maximum weight, any two consecutive axles eight (8) to ten (10) feet apart. Weight cannot exceed formula: ** W=500 (LN/N-1 +12N + 36); 40,000 pounds maximum ** See Item F.1.b. for explanation of terms.
  6. Maximum weight on all axles of a single vehicle or combination of vehicles having three (3) axles or more is 80,000 pounds based on one of the following formulas:
    1. For any vehicle or combination of vehicles having a total gross weight less than 71,000 pounds, the higher of the following shall apply:
      • The total weight of all axles shall not exceed 34,000 pounds plus 1,000 pounds for each foot and major fraction of a foot of the distance from the center of the foremost axle to the center of the rear most axle, or
      • The overall gross weight on a group of two or more consecutive axles shall not exceed the weight produced by application of the following formula: W=500 (LN/N-1 + 12N +36) where W equals overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the nearest 500 pounds, L equals distance in feet from the center of the foremost axle to the center of the rearmost axle of any group of two or more consecutive axles, and N equals number of axles in group under consideration, except that two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load 34,000 pounds each providing the overall distance between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem axles is thirty-six (36) feet or more.
    2. For any vehicle or combination of vehicles having a total gross weight of 71,000 pounds or greater, formula in section F.1.b. shall apply.

Section XI: Insurance Requirements


The CONTRACTOR shall secure and maintain for a period of one year, such insurance policies, naming the COUNTY OF MONROE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION as additional insured and shall protect those named including their officers, employees and agents, from claims for bodily injuries, death or property damage which may arise from operations under this Agreement whether such operations be by the CONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor or anyone employed by them directly or indirectly. The following insurance policies with insurance companies authorized to do business in New York State are required:

  1. Statutory Worker's Compensation or a signed New York State Worker's Compensation Board Form C-105.21 (8-98); and
  2. General Liability Insurance; single limits of liability $1,000,000; or
  3. Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability covering operations of subcontractors, with same limits; and
  4. Contractual Liability covering Hold Harmless Clause; and
  5. Automobile Public Liability and Property Damage covering both owned and hired vehicles. (Bodily injury $1,000,000.00 each person -- $1,000,000.00 each accident); and
  6. If any of the rating classifications embody property damage exclusions X (explosion), C (collapse), or U (upheaval), coverage for eliminating such exclusions must be provided with same limits; and
  7. 30 days written notice of cancellation in favor of the COUNTY OF MONROE; and
  8. Certificate Holder shall be the COUNTY OF MONROE, Department of Transportation, City Place Suite 6100, 50 West Main Street, Rochester, New York 14614-1231.

Certification of such insurance shall be filed with the COUNTY OF MONROE ten (10) days prior to the start of the work. The insurance certification shall be subject to the approval by the County Law Department for adequacy of protection.

Section XII: Bibliography

A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2004.

Department of Justice 28 Code of Federal Regulations Appendix A. (ADA Accessibility Guidelines). 26 July 1991.

Handbook of Steel Drainage and Highway Construction Products. American Iron and Steel Institute, Third ed. Washington, D.C.: 1983.

Highway Capacity Manual Special Report 209. Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.: 1994.

Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. New York State Department of Transportation Albany, New York: 2001.

McKinney. McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated. State Highway Law. St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1979.

McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated. General Municipal Law. St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1986.

Proceedings of the Legislature of Monroe County. 1971.

Requirements for the Design and Construction of Underground Utility Installations within the State Highway Right-Of-Way. New York State Department of Transportation, 1997.

Monroe County Department of Transportation Standard Specifications.

Monroe County Department of Transportation Standard Details.

Standard Specifications Construction and Materials. New York State Department of Transportation, 2002.

Stover, Vergil G. and Frank J. Koepke. Transportation and Land Development. Institute of Transportation Engineers. Prentice Hall, 1988.

Trip Generation. Institute of Transportation Engineers. Seventh ed. January 2003.

New York State Code of Federal Regulations. Industrial Code Rule 53 and 753.

Appendix A: Permit Office Policies

Policy—Open Pavement Cuts A-1

Wherever possible, all utility crossings should be bored. However, open cuts to County highways may be considered if any of the following conditions are met:

  1. Major maintenance or roadway improvements are scheduled for the highway within the next three (3) year period;
  2. The roadway was last resurfaced or surface treated at least 5 years ago.
  3. The roadway was reconstructed at least 10 years ago.
  4. Roadways that are in poor structural condition and have been approved for open cuts by the County Superintendent of Highways or his/her designee.

These requirements may be waived by the County Superintendent of Highways or his/her designee in the event of an emergency or other unforeseen event.

Test holes at all proposed utility crossings should be done during the design phase to identify any possible conflicts, (i.e., bedrock and/or other utilities). All open pavement cuts shall be sawcut and reconstructed in accordance with the department's pavement restoration and/or paved shoulder restoration details.

All pavement cuts shall be sawcut 45° to 90° to the edge of the pavement.

See New York State Industrial Code 53 and 753 for information on stakeouts and exposing utilities.

Boring/Jacking Policy A-2

Wherever possible, all utility crossings should be bored. Test holes outside the pavement at all proposed utility crossings must be done during the design phase to identify any possible conflicts (i.e., bedrock and/or other utilities). However, the County will allow pushing or jacking where the utility diameter is 2" or less.

All construction of underground utilities shall be completed in accordance with the New York State Requirements for the Design and Construction of Underground Utility Installations with the State Highway Right of Way dated January, 1997 or latest revision with the following modifications and additions:

  1. All reference to the New York State Department of Transportation of State shall be the Monroe County Department of Transportation.
  2. Section 4.02.13—change minimum of 10 feet to minimum of 4 feet. This is in reference to the distance past the edge of pavement the casing pipe must extend.

Open pavement cut windows will only be allowed as required by New York State Industrial Code Rule 53, as modified by New York State Industrial Code Rule 753. Refer to Code Rule 753 for information on stakeouts and exposing utilities.

The minimum bore casing thickness shall be 3/8 of an inch. All voids in the casing area shall be filled with flowable fill or sand.

Security Deposit Policy A-3

Security deposits will be required for various construction activities on County highways. The following is a list of those activities and associated security deposits:

Activity Deposit
1. Driveway Installations $200
2. Piping Roadside Ditches $200
3. Commercial Entrances $1,000
4. Subdivision Entrances $1,000
5. Bores $3,000
6. Open Cuts:
Shoulder Cut $2,000
One Lane $2,000
Two Lanes $3,000
Three Lanes $4,000
Four Lanes $5,000
More than Four Lanes $5,000
(Add $1,000 per lane over four lanes)
Parallel Cuts (per foot) $100
7. New Access On Roadways with Existing Curb or Gutter $2,000
8. Close An Existing Access with Curb or Gutter $2,000
9. Signal Permits $5,000
10. By-Pass Lane, Full Depth Shoulder $2,000
Turn Lane $2,000
11. Special Hauling Permit (Minimum)*
*Additional security deposit of $5,000 if a traffic signal is impacted. Also, an additional $5,000 if major bridges/culverts are impacted. Maximum security deposit per move is $15,000.
$5,000 (min.)
$15,000 (max.)


Security deposits will be accepted in the following forms:

  1. Cashiers Check
  2. Official Bank Check or Draft
  3. Certified Check
  4. Money Order
  5. Mastercard or VISA

Utility companies and municipalities will be excluded from providing security deposits.

The check will not be released until all County, town and/or village requirements are met. Security deposits will be held for a minimum of 30 days and up to a maximum of 1 year after satisfactory completion of the work as a guarantee of the work performed in the County right-of-way. The length of time that a security deposit is held is based on whether MCDOT was properly notified of the start of work and/or the weather conditions while the work was being done.


Download the Publicly Owned Traffic Signal Easement and Agreement (26k PDF).

Download the Privately Owned Traffic Signal Easement and Agreement (30k PDF).


Failure to Obtain 136 Permit Fine Per Day After Written Notification
Residential Driveways $25
Minor Commercial Entrances $50
Major Commercial Entrances $100
Enlarge Driveway $25
Major Subdivision Streets $100
Minor Subdivision Streets $50
Temporary Access Roads $50
Overhead Utilities
Signals $500
Running New Lines $50
Overhead Utility Work (poles, towers, etc.) $50
Overhead Service Connections $25
Underground Utilities
Watermain, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Pipe Ditch $100
Excavation, Tunneling, Boring $50
Subsurface Service Connections (commercial or private) $25
Storm Sewer Connection $200
Open Road Cut $300
Hauling—Overweight Vehicle (per truck, per highway) $30
Bridges/Major Culverts Utility Work $550
Minor Culverts Utility Work $100
Special Hauling $200
Right-Of-Way Access $100


Permit Violations Fine Per Day After Written Notification
No notification of Starting Work $25
Substandard Temporary Access Installation $100
Substandard Ditch Enclosure $100
Substandard Right-Of-Way Restoration $100
Substandard Driveway Installation $100
Substandard Bore Installation $100
Substandard Commercial Access Installation $200
Substandard Utility Installation $200
Substandard Subdivision Street Installation $200
Substandard Compaction in Pavement or Right-Of-Way $200
Substandard Maintenance and Protection of Traffic $500
Substandard Pavement Restoration $500

Appendix B: Highway Permit Forms

  • 136 Highway Permit (28k PDF) —Permit under section 136 Highway Law.
  • 239-F Permit (19k PDF) —Includes Building Consent Request, General Municipal Law.
  • 6905P Annual Permit (5k PDF) [revised: 04/2011]
  • Application for Special Hauling Permit (91k PDF)
  • Permit Fee Worksheet (39k PDF) [revised: 01/2017]
  • Special Conditions for 136 Permit (67k PDF)—Includes checklist and field report.

For more information see the Highway Access Guidelines.

Appendix C: Roads In the Monroe County Highway System

Download a printable list of all roads comprising the Monroe County Highway System (46k PDF).

Temporary Access Road Design in New York

Source: https://www.monroecounty.gov/dot-access-guidelines

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